Automation Blog

How Our Automation Products Avoid Barriers to Robot Development

How Our Automation Products Avoid Barriers to Robot Development

In today's demanding industrial automation environment, it's critical to get your robotic system up and running quickly. For many companies, however, robot deployments are often slowed or halted by barriers like hardware, work-cell design, setup, programming, reprogramming and difficult-to-use software. These challenges require an extensive amount of time, labor and domain expertise that not all companies have.

At Automationware, we're always trying to make system design and deployment easy with a wide range of innovative modular robotic devices that satisfy our customers' present and future automation needs. Our company is developing application tools based on ROS (Robot Operating System) to democratize access to robotics by removing development barriers from conception to the completed work cell. Developers throughout the automation ecosystem will be able to program robotic devices and integrate their hardware with other automated equipment and production systems.

By harnessing AI, machine learning, the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo simulation, our platform is expected to:

  • Eliminate the need for extensive programming experience, thereby making programming as simple as setting up a website.
  • Broaden access to robotic technology.
  • Provide a way for experts to code their domain knowledge into reusable modules.

Thanks to these and other benefits, our platform has the potential to become very effective on robotic joints solutions.

At Automationware, we offer many cobotic and kinematic devices that are well-suited for ROS application tools. They include:

  • Robotic joints. Our robotic joints provide ROS-based control and real-time connections of applications such as MoveIt to the EtherCAT fieldbus, which enable quick configurations and kinematics control.
  • AW Tube. This programmable cobot is available with a choice of five robot joints for different payloads. It features a modular design, is easy to customize and is scalable for use in single or multiple arms across many applications. This flexibility is especially attractive for integrators looking to incorporate a cobot in multiple processes. ROS software simplifies work-cell management.
  • AW Combo. This mobile cobot consists of an eight-axis mobile robot, a six-axis AW Tube robotic arm capable of lifting up to ~44 pounds (20 kilograms) and a length of up to 5.9 feet. The unit also features a revolutionary control system and AI-based vision. AW Combo aims to facilitate the start-up or end-of-line processes in factories that are ready for advanced robotization.

Making Intelligent Robotic Systems a Reality for Everyone

With ROS, companies will no longer need expert programmers or system integrators to quickly build and deploy a robotic system.

IKO is the U.S. distribution partner for Automationware. Visit, or contact IKO at for more information.

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